Potters Restoration Programme

The Potters Restoration Programme is aimed at supporting those who would like to renew and revive their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The sessions explore the themes of grace, overcoming fear, receiving forgiveness, God’s desires for you, decision making, faith and experiencing God’s Hands as the Potter moulding and perfecting you.

Now that You have completed the registration form, we will require you to attend every class to get the full benefit for your healing. trusting that God, the Potter, will restore you as He places you on His Potter’s Wheel over 12 weeks and makes you His intended “New Creation in Christ Jesus”.

The Potters Restoration Programme (PRP) is Women Only Sessions and designed to offer “Intensive Care” for women who may be feeling wounded, bruised, vulnerable or sensitive, due to life experiences. Through the medicinal application of the Word of God, individuals are guided to emotional and spiritual healing.

The course aims to restore, guide and strengthen you on your spiritual and life journey. We are trusting that God, the Potter, will restore you as He, places you on His Potter’s Wheel over 12 weeks and forms you into who you were created to be to advance His Kingdom!

So please encourage yourself or a Sister to attend, as you will be taught how to personally identify the stumbling blocks that are aimed to prevent you from receiving the blessings God has in store for you as He releases favour over your life.

The LORD instructs You to “Seek Him and Ask of Him” because His Will is to Restore You from · brokenness to wholeness, · disrepair to the completeness, · imperfection to perfection. In order to totally transform every area of your life so that you may fulfil your Kingdom assignment to the Glory of God. “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.” Psalms 51:12.

Do you desire to mature in your walk with God?

· Have you become stuck in the negative effects of the past?

· Do you find it hard to break free from stagnant cycles of habitual negative behaviour?

· Maybe you feel like you are experiencing spiritual confusion

Then this 12 weeks confidential

Bible-based, support program is for You.

The Potter’s Restoration Programme is not suitable for a New Believer who have not completed the Discipleship Care Programme

If you are a member or a visitor of another Church, we ask that you seek the guidance of your Pastor/Leader to ensure they are happy for you to attend. We will require proof of this via either a Letter or

Email from your Leader sent to Admin@ruachcitychurch.org.

This must be received at least 2 weeks before the start date of the course


In the comfort of your home via zoom

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020 8678 6888

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